There are hundreds of books, CD programs and seminars available but sometimes we just want a quick course on a subject to get us up to speed. For example, on using Google Adwords. Most of us just do not have time to read all we would like to study but Success University trims the material to courses which you can cover in just 10-15 minutes per day. There is a mixture of audio, video and text.
Many of the top teachers and motivational trainers have joined together to offer short courses on Success University, the on-line site for top level training.
We go to school for 12 to 20 years of our lives but are simply never taught the right kind of knowledge to be successful in life. In today's world, you need to THINK in a different way to achieve real success. As Jim Rohn says, "If they had offered Wealth Creation 1 and 2 in high school, I would have taken both classes."
Success University is the world's first online learning company devoted exclusively to personal development and entrepreneurialism. Success University has assembled over 50 of the most amazing minds on the planet who collectively have helped millions of people achieve astounding levels of success. Success University now offers the most advanced online courses on SUCCESS ever assembled.
Top trainers include Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Jay Abraham, Jeffrey Combs, Cynthia Kersey, Robert Allen, Doug Firebaugh, Lisa Jimenez, Dr Tony Alessandra, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Terri Levine, Denis Waitley and many more.
Training covers different areas:
Financial Success
Sales & Marketing
Health & Physical Well-being
Spiritual Growth
Thousands of dollars worth of material is available for just $49.95 per month after an initial enrolment of $149.95 which includes your first month. Once you enrol, you receive this package of goodies, worth $357:
- Over 2 Hours of Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn on DVD! $250 Value!
- Brian Tracy's Maximum Selling Strategies on Compact Disc! $49 Value!
- Denis Waitley's Acres of Diamonds on Compact Disc! $39 Value!
- Jim Rohn's Building Your Networking Business on Compact Disc! $19 Value!
Total Value = $357
Plus The Complete Jim Rohn International Success Plan.
That is not all. There are 12 bonus audios available to download after you enrol:
Free Bonus #1 $69 Value
"Net Marketing Success" by Michael T Glaspie "Mike G."
Free Bonus #2 $119 Value
"The Speed Reading Course" by Peter Shepherd
Free Bonus #3 $59 Value
"How To Instantly Double Your Deductions — and Slash Your Taxes to the Bone" by Wayne Davies
Free Bonus #4 $199 Value
"The Secret to Winning Every Single Time... In Everything You Do" by Jim Edwards
Free Bonus #5 $195 Value
"The Greatest Marketing Secrets of the Ages" by Yanik Silver
Free Bonus #6 $19 Value
"The Winners Mindset vs. the Losers Mindset" by John DiLemme
Free Bonus #7 $49 Value
"The 8 Proven Secrets to SMART Success" by Peggy McColl
Free Bonus #8 $19 Value
"Moving from Vision to Action" by Emmanuel Segui
Free Bonus #9 $47 Value
"The Fastest Way To Build A Large Network Marketing Downline" by Tracy Biller (ebook)
Free Bonus #10 $29 Value
"Creative Juice; 12 Key Lessons for Creative Dreamers" by Suzanne Falter-Barns (ebook)
Free Bonus #11 $29.95 Value
"The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn" by Bob Griswold (ebook)
Free Bonus #12 $14.99 Value
"Work Yourself Happy" by Terri Levine (118 page handbook)
Total Value in Free Bonus Courses = $848
Success University also offers an IRON CLAD 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
Click here to join for a 14 days free trial.
So how do you earn money with Success University? By introducing other students.
1. For each premium student you personally enroll, you'll earn a weekly Fast-Start check ranging from $20 up to $40 depending on your rank.
2. As you advance in rank, you'll also earn infinity bonuses of up to $20 for the new enrollments that occur throughout your organization. You'll be paid the difference between the rank you are at and the next rank below you - Infinite Levels Deep!
2. Weekly Dual Team Infinity Bonuses - Up To $10,000 Per Week!
3. Monthly Dual Team Infinity Bonuses - Up To $40,000 Per Month!
You can see that it is easy to introduce other students and the fast start payments will more than cover your own tuition fee plus the infinity bonuses add up to one of the best earnings opportunities available on-line.
Anyone can join, in any country. Materials are sent worldwide.
Full details are available on the website.

Antonia Stuart-James is a student of Success University, one of the programs included in the Plug In Profit System.