Both methods can be profitable and one avenue may suit some people more than another.
The beauty of Leisure Audio Books is that you can make good commissions just by offering the audio books to people. In many companies, you would be embarrassed to offer the over-priced hyped-up products to anyone you know personally but these audio books are different.
First, they are top quality and secondly, reasonably priced. In many cases the audio book costs less than the physical book. There is no postage to pay, no wait for the book to arrive and no problem storing it when you have read it. If you are like me, you already have hundreds of books filling up dusty shelves and costing money to transport when you move house.
So the answer is one of Leisure Audio Books’ download books and who are your customers going to buy from? You of course, but only if you click on this banner:

Did I mention that on sales to customers you can earn 15% commission as a free member or 25% as a platinum member. That is why I chose to upgrade immediately.
So even without recruiting, you can earn good commissions, better than say promoting books with Amazon. This business is simple but the website gives all the training and marketing aids you will ever need.
As the books are downloaded by the customer, you do not have to handle any products, keep stock or speak to customers personally.
Who will buy? Well, there are at least 50,000 identifiable niche markets that can be independently addressed in the search engines for audio books. Enough markets for you?
Antonia Stuart-James is an affiliate of Leisure Audio Books.