Thursday, 23 August 2007

Manual Traffic Exchange - Show-n-Find

The first 1000 Members of the new manual traffic exchange,Show-n-Find, get a Special Lifetime "Founder Pro" Membership (currently 938 members)

Founder Pro members can download up to an incredible 177 useful items such as ebooks, software, graphics. Many come with full resale rights. So, you join for free and have products you can resell for profit.

- 2:1 surf ratio
- List up to 10 URLs

Bonus cash and credits
A Guaranteed Bonus every 30 pages per surf session. This is turned on at random times during the week. Currently Turned On until Friday Morning - Surf Now :)

Plus - Surf 25 Pages for a chance to Win up to 1000 credits - currently a 1 in 4 chance of winning a Prize.

Plus - Surf 100 Pages for a chance to Win up to $10.00 Cash - currently a 1 in 4 chance of winning a Prize.

Antonia Stuart-James is a surfing member of manual traffic exchange Show-n-Find

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Online Training & Business Opportunity Par Excellence

Success University is the web's leading online resource for top level training in all aspects of life and business. See and hear the top leaders in the fields of Motivation, Leadership, Sales, Networking, Relationships, Real Estate, Finances and Communication such as Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Les Brown, Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy and many more.

Every month students can enrol in a choice of streamed audio and visual courses and access online whenever convenient.

For just $149.95 enrolment fee and a monthly fee of $49.95, students can listen and relisten to the courses, receive regular email training and the monthly Empowerment newsletter in the post with free gifts. This month Success University members received $127 worth of free gifts:

"Bill Bartmann's 9 Steps to achieve any goal" - DVD - $90 value
Filmed in Bills $2 million 12,000 sq.ft.home, he shares the secrets to help accomplish any goal. These 9 steps not only took Bill from poverty to billionaire, they have also produced million dollar results for many others. He has employed over 4,000 people and was the 25th wealthiest person in the US.

William E Bailey - "The Lost Tape of a Legend" - CD - $37 value
This legend in the field of personal development, personal growth and team building mentored and trained such greats in personal development and network marketing as Jim Rohn, Willie Larkin, Les Brown, Rudy Revak, Larry Thompson and many others.

In the 1960s Mr Bailey was the owner of one of the first network marketing companies that within 5 years was generating $64 million a month in sales. His powerful, uplifting and even shocking speech is a CD to listen to over and over.

Remember, the key to success is the power of applied knowledge.

The next mailing will include the following free gifts:
"Marketing Legend Ted Nicholas" - DVD - $179 value
"Invisible Profit System" by Chris Widener - CD - $16 value

Join today on a 14 days free trial

The one-year program arrives by email and this year's teacher is Jim Rohn. Jim is the personal development "guru" the likes of Tony Robbins, Harvey Mackay and Les Brown turn to... and have been learning from for decades!

His comprehensive success plan covers personal development, creating money, speed reading, increasing your memory, leadership, health, and much more. You also receive "Twelve Pillars of Success", 52 weekly email trainings, a 500+ page downloadable workbook, 12 monthly conference calls (including Zig Ziglar, Loral Langemeier, Jim Rohn and so on) and a ton more. You really do not want to miss out on this!

The Jim Rohn Success Plan has a retail value of $1,101.00.

In addition, students receive $848 value of downloadable bonus courses.

Success University Business Opportunity
Obviously such a phenomenal offering generates an incredible international business opportunity. Within seconds of enrolling, students receive their own personalized recruiting website. Business training shows how to advertise the site to thousands or even millions of people around the world including the little known secrets that the biggest marketers on the Internet use to drive MASSIVE amounts of traffic to their websites. The automated Success University website enrolls students for you, tracks the orders and then shows those students how to build their business. You earn ongoing monthly residual income from your entire student organization no matter how large this customer base grows. This means that simply by following the Success University system... it is very likely you will become financially set for life... in a relatively short period of time (maybe in just 2 years)... and then never have to work another day again!

As a final offer, students also receive $350 in free Internet advertising from pay-per-click search engines.

You can join Success University at with a special trial offer for 14 days.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

How a single article can increase your web site traffic by 100% -- or more

A reader named Jerry recently wrote an email asking,

"There is a lot of advice about the important of having good article content on a website. Other advice says to submit articles to sites like, and refer readers to your site. Which is most effective for driving traffic to a site?
Also, would it be advantageous and proper to do both with the same article?"

Jerry, the short answer to your question is yes. Posting good article content on your site -- and submitting articles to online article directories with a PageRank of 4 or higher -- are key SEO techniques that will drive more qualified traffic to your website. And both can be done at the same time -- provided you go about it the right way.

Here's what you need to do...
Use a keyword research tool like Wordtracker to discover your top-performing keywords
They're the search terms that send you the most visitors that are likely to make a purchase. You can learn more about Wordtracker here:

Optimize your key salespage for your top keywords (two-three maximum)
This means you've got to insert those keywords in your web copy as well as in strategic places in your coding -- such as your title tags, your headline tags, your meta tags, and your image alt tags.

Choose your best keyword -- and then write an article around it
For example, if you sell doghouse plans and your top keyword is, "Build your own doghouse," then you're going to want to include it in the following places:

- The title of the article
- The first paragraph (within the first 200 characters is best)
- The last paragraph;
- At least 2-3 times in the middle paragraphs

If you can, try to include slight variations of that phrase, as well. For example: "build my own doghouse," "building your own doghouse," and "built the doghouse."

You don't have to write a novel! Try to keep your articles to 400-500 words maximum.

Finally, make sure you include a short, credibility-building "bio" with link to your site at the end.

Here's an example: "ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joe Smith is a recognized authority on the subject of widgets. His web site,, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about widgets."

Link the article to your main salespage
The best way to do this -- so you don't distract your visitors from your sales message -- is to include a subtle link at the very bottom of your salespage. Make sure the link's anchor text includes the main keyword in the article. (That's important for SEO reasons.)

You've just made your first step toward building a content-rich site. Congratulations! The more keyword-loaded articles that point toward your site, the more the search engines will love you. Now it's time to send that article out into the world at large, and use it to drive even more visitors to your salespage!

You need to link the article to your site first because it helps the search engines spiders recognize your site as the original "owner" of the article. That way, you'll never get slammed for posting duplicate content on your site, no matter how many sites end up publishing your article.

But once you have that first article posted, you shouldn't stop there! Your next step is to...

Submit your article to the 'Net's top online content distribution sites
I'm talking about places such as...

These sites carry hundred or thousands of articles on a range of topics. If someone is looking for content for their web site, they can download or copy an article from the distribution site without paying a dime to use it!

Now people who are plugging your keywords into search engines will be directed to your content at these highly-ranked sites, and web site owners who are looking for fresh, search engine-attracting content will download your article -- along with your bio and link! -- and put it up on their pages.

And once visitors see that you know what you're talking about, they'll click on the link in your bio, and head straight to your web site.

Submit your article to content sites that target your customers
Simply type "your keyword + articles" into the 'Net's top search engines and see what comes up. If you find a site that has a PageRank of 4 or higher and is accepting submissions, then definitely send them your article.

The more links that point to your site from high PageRank webpages that target your audience, the more relevant your site will be in the search engines' eyes.

And that will drive your site even higher in the search engine rankings!

Say "hello" to all those new visitors pouring into your site!

Not only will people be able to find you through the articles you've submitted to all those different content sites... They'll also find your salespage listed near the top of the search engine results.

And all these visitors are QUALITY, TARGETED traffic -- they actually WANT what you're selling, because you are meeting a need or giving them help with the problem they actually came online to solve!

Once you've done your keyword research, you might feel a bit intimidated by the idea of writing something yourself for the 'Net. Or maybe you don't feel like you have the time to do it justice. You can always hire a writer from a freelance web site like Elance to write your articles for you (with a bit basic information from you, of course). Expect to pay anywhere from $25 to $35 an hour for their time.

But I recommend that you try to write something yourself first. You definitely don't need to be a professional writer to create something readable and interesting... (I sure don't have a degree in creative writing myself!)

Just try to think like your audience -- what do they want to know, and how much do they know already? Then tell them simply and clearly. You don't have to write like Shakespeare to give them content they find valuable.

And then, once that content is written, you can use it over and over again to put your site in front of hungry buyers and lead them straight to your salespage!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Derek Gehl specializes in teaching real people how to start profitable Internet businesses that make $100,000 to $2.5 Million (or more) per year. To get instant access to all his most profitable marketing campaigns, strategies, tools, and resources that he's used to grow $25 into over $60 Million in online sales, visit:

Monday, 20 August 2007

Manual Traffic Exchange - Traffic Splash

Traffic Splash is a manual traffic exchange but with a difference. Only fast-loading splash pages are allowed which means the surf timer is a low 6 seconds, so building your credits for advertising your own sites.

Bonus pages kick in every 15 pages or so and surf rewards start at 100 pages.
Every 15 sites you have a chance to play for free credits.

Extra Chance to Win
Every day 3 lucky surfers will win 100 credits. All you have to do is surf 30 pages for a chance to win (and you can carry on to 100 pages plus for the bigger rewards. The winners will be drawn at random, but the system is loaded to give frequent surfers more chance to win.

Traffic Splash includes a Downline Builder in 10 programs: FastEasy Traffic, Free Traffic Bar, TE Toolbox, Affiliate Funnel, Home Income Team, Traffic Hoopla, Hit Gusher, Hit2Hit, Traffic Bunnies and Dragon Surf.

Traffic-Splash is already top ranked by Traffic Hoopla and Hit Exchange News and is growing fast with 6,000 members already.

Antonia Stuart-James is a surfing member of manual traffic exchange Traffic Splash.

Kevin E Anderson - In Memory

Source: Leisure Audio Books newsletter, The Auditorium, 19 August 2007

Kevin Eric Anderson, one of the founders of Leisure Audio Books, passed away on 11 August 2007. He collapsed and passed away on his way to his pool. Kevin had been battling several illnesses in recent years, including high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as complications from an earlier bout with cancer in 1992. He was 56 years old.

Kevin: The Person
To say Kevin was an extraordinary person, a dynamically amazing individual, a generous and thoroughly geniune soul, would all be a vast understatement. In fact no words do him justice. He was so gifted, so talented and yet so down-to-earth, approachable and just plain friendly, that he will be sorely missed by all those he touched.

Kevin was the real deal. He was vastly intelligent, with a recorded IQ of 180 and acceptance into UCLA at the age of 16 to prove it. Kevin had been one of the pioneers of the computer industry, working as a programmer as early as 1967, even before he went to college. And he made many significant contributions to the business (see below). Yet, like so many truly intelligent people, this was of little matter to him... he was much more interested in his next project, his next idea and working out the plans to bring them about. That's what mattered... when it came to work, that's what he cared about. Not who he was, or who you were-- just the work and accomplishing a goal.

Yet he was incredibly sensitive, caring and generous to all he met, too. People came first, no matter the situation. He was the kind of person who listened carefully when someone talked of their problems, and did anything and everything in his power to help. He had several chances to patent his work, but insisted on leaving it open for anyone to use, truly believing it was more important that it was shared, than whether he made a profit. He donated to charities regularly and had personally helped out many of the members in his first company, Cognigen Networks, Inc., when they were in dire straits.

In the last few days since Kevin's passing, numerous tributes have been posted about him on the internet, in blogs and forums, by friends that had known him for a great many years. Each speaks eloquently of his contributions, his accomplishments and his brilliance. But the true magic of Kevin Anderson was his matter of fact sensibility, his sensitivity and generosity and very genuine desire to help others.

Kevin made every person he met feel special and important, for he saw in each their best abilities and made it clear he would support them in any way he could. He will be sorely missed by all those who knew him.

To see just a few of these tributes, please go to

Kevin: His Contributions
Like many real geniuses, Kevin never boasted about his abilities or accomplishments, preferring instead, to remain practical about the business at hand. So it was sometimes hard to remember how much he gave the world in his brief life.

Among many other accomplishments prior to working online, Kevin was on the team which first created the protocol that allowed different computers to communicate with each other. In other words, he literally helped make it possible to create the internet that we commonly know and use today. This protocol is why you can sit in your home and dial up a central computer and gain access to everything on the internet.

Cognigen Networks, Inc.
He and his wife, Laurel, founded one of the oldest and most well-established internet companies, Cognigen Networks, Inc. In doing so, he also created the first affiliate system, writing the first self-replicating affiliate page. While he might have copywritten this information for his own profit, instead he chose to allow others to use it freely, feeling this would help many people earn money online. Especially in a company like Leisure Audio Books, this contribution cannot be over-emphasized.

If not for Kevin and this work, none of us would have the option to earn a living through any affiliate system. Not in any program, not anywhere.

Kevin Was Here
Kevin also wrote many other codes, such as the one that integrates personalization on splash pages in the traffic exchanges -- every time you see a splash page with your own name on it, Kevin was the one to make that possible. In a way, it's like a small symbol that says, "Kevin Was Here."

Kevin: Personal Background
Besides his many professional accomplishments, Kevin was also a talented musician, as well as a great supporter of his wife's passion for breeding Great Danes and Chihuahuas. He also owned a collection of parrots.

Kevin is survived by his wife, Laurel, and their two daughters.

Kevin Anderson: All Seeing Master of Time, Space & Dimension
One of the first stories Kevin ever told me (and, I believe, one of his favorite) came about when, upon learning of his founding Cognigen, I asked him if he was a "guru." Typical of him, he gently and inoffensively let it be known that he hated and detested any kind of title, which he thought was the silliest of vanities. And then he added this brief anecdote:

"Once when I was with a new company in the role of VP/R&D, the president asked me what I thought my title should be. I told him I had always wanted to be, 'All Seeing Master of Time, Space and Dimension.' So he put a sign on my door that said: Kevin E Anderson, ASMTSD."

Then he laughed uproariously.

This is just one, small example of Kevin's sense of humor.

A Tribute: By Franscisca Kruissink
Many years ago, several decades ago, there was no internet.
There were computers but there was no internet.
As you probably know the internet is many computers connected to each other.

However for the internet to work the computers have to "understand" each other, they must connect in the same way, a protocol, so they all can work together.

One day a group of people came together and set this up, without this group of people the internet wouldn't be as it is now.

You wouldn't be able to read this, you wouldn't be able to mail, to chat or do anything where 2 or more computers are involved.

Today the birds shouldn't have song.
Today the leaves of the trees shouldn't have moved.
Yesterday the birds shouldn't have song either nor the day before nor should the leaves have moved.
All should have been silent from Saturday afternoon on.

The most humble man I've ever communicated with, the man that, together with another group of people, made such a huge difference to the world, passed away.

It is too much to mention all the other things Kevin has done even the things I know would be too much to mention and I sure don't know all the things he has done.

Think about it the next time when you get online. Without Kevin and his group this
wouldn't have been possible.

Kevin made and makes a huge difference in millions of lives, he will live forth in
the hearts of his beloved wife, his children his friends. God took him so young, we lost immense all of us, who knows what more he could have done for millions of people? Even if he wouldn't do a single thing Kevin made the world a brighter, better place to live.

It is sad for the world. I know the world became darker because he passed away. It is hard to lose a good friend. It is hard you passed away Kevin. The happiness heaven will have now, we had to give away, but Kevin you will live on in many
hearts for as long as we live. Kevin, heaven is happy because you are there, we are sad.

Today the birds shouldn't have song.
Today the leaves of the trees shouldn't have moved.
Yesterday the birds shouldn't have song either nor the day before nor should the
leaves have moved.
All should have been silent from Saturday afternoon on.
-- Franscisca Kruissink

Leisure Audio Books: The Future
For any who may wonder, please be assured, Leisure Audio Books will continue to grow and succeed, despite this untimely and most unfortunate loss. Kevin's enthusiasm for this program, his certainty that it would succeed and help many more people, only strengthen our determination to ensure its success, in honor of Kevin's memory.

The family asks that, should anyone wish to, in lieu of cards or flowers, please send donations to the National Autism Foundation, in Kevin's name.

Friday, 3 August 2007

List Bandit Income - first customer sales already

On Monday, I wrote that Soren Jordansen had launched List Bandit Income, a new source of multiple streams of revenue income.

On Monday I joined but have not had time to promote the business opportunity or products available. Except I did promote one range of products on one website via a free forum posting.

Three days later, I already have five customer sales from that one source.

List Bandit Income works.

Antonia Stuart-James is a member of List Bandit Income.

.com and other Extensions Now Available from GDI

GDI have announced another big improvement for their customers.

Customers can now register domains with extensions other than .WS. People can choose from available domains with several extensions including .com, .net, .org, and .biz just to name a few.

GDI offer domain names plus website builder package and hosting, all for just $10 per month. The website builder is easy to use and publishes instantly.

GDI offers an excellent business opportunity to anyone, anywhere in the world. Just promote the affiliate URL provided to direct people to the GDI website where they will see the video promoting the opportunity. Members can also invite direct from the website using a standard email.

GDI, or Global Domains International, is growing fast all over the world. It is an opportunity not to be missed.

Antonia Stuart-James operates Eurotravel website with GDI.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Three Intangibles to Success in Affiliate Marketing

If you are going to become a successful affiliate on the Internet, you need 3 "intangibles." These are things that must come from WITHIN you.

===> Intangible 1 <===

First, you must have a strong WHY.

Why must you make affiliate marketing work? What is driving you? What is it that you CAN'T have in your life anymore and/or what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?

For me, I couldn't stand working 12+ hours a day anymore and missing the experience of my children growing up. I also absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control my life and finances through a little box that I could carry with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone's time pressures or demands but my own. That was my carrot and my stick. I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out on my children's lives and the incredible freedom that succeeding in this business would provide for me. I found my why. You MUST find yours.

===> Intangible 2 <===

You must BELIEVE that it is possible.

If you don't believe that it's POSSIBLE for you to make money with affiliate programs or make your living on the Internet, you won't. It's that simple.

For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter of realizing that many other people were ALREADY making great money online. If they could do it, I could too. It would just be a matter of figuring out what those people were doing and then adapting it to my situation.

There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people (millions of them) are making money online with affiliate programs. Just get online and do some research and you'll find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local bookstore and you'll find the same documented evidence of this fact. Truth is, it's getting easier and easier to make money online with affiliate programs.

I've always said that "affiliate marketing" is the job of the future. In the "old" days, you had to go to a potential employer, apply for the position and hope for the
best. Now you can simply go to any company you want, fill out their affiliate application and start work immediately. Affiliates are the new working class. Believe me, making money with affiliate programs or making your living on the
Internet is WAY MORE than possible. It is pretty much (or will be soon enough) unavoidable now. Affiliate marketing is the "job" of the future that's already here TODAY.

===> Intangible 3 <===

You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.

Ready, FIRE, then aim... This is the operating philosophy you MUST adopt to succeed with affiliate marketing.

That's backwards for most people who like to aim before they fire. The fact is the Internet is a moving target... The only thing constant about it is change. You need to stop analyzing the game and simply jump into it. You can't learn from the outside... You have to be IN THE RING to truly understand it.

The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to start an affiliate marketing business. You simply have to start one. This is what I call "Making the Leap."

The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is very small. In the "brick and mortar" world you need to evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up a business. It's almost always necessary to invest thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a successful business for less than $100. The Plug-In Profit Site is a great example of this as you can see here:

Plug-In Profit Site

You simply need get IN THE GAME... Each moment that you stay "out there," you're wasting valuable time that you could be learning and skills necessary to become a successful affiliate marketer. In fact, if you're not in the game yet, you're ALREADY behind the times. Make the leap to becoming a successful affiliate marketer today!

Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy helps ordinary people all over the world make money online with affiliate programs. If you can follow 3 easy steps, you can get your own custom website, autoresponder (email follow-up software) and pre-written email marketing campaign professionally designed and installed and ready to pull in profits for you in 24 hours or less! See details at:
Plug-In Profit Site

Antonia Stuart-James is a member of the Plug-In Profit Site

Manual Traffic Exchange - Soaring 4 Traffic - Swoop Down and Seize Your Success!

Spread Your Wings, Soar with Eagles,
Generate High Flying Traffic to Your Websites, Blogs, Banners and Text Links.

Soaring4Traffic has been online for 2 whole months.

* over 2200 members already
* 10 seconds surf timer
* bonus credits
* list up to 5 sites as a Nester member, 8 sites as a Bald Eagle and 25 sites as an Soaring Eagle member
* helpful online training videos

Referring Others to Soaring 4 Traffic

As a Nester member, you receive 10 credits, 100 banner impressions and 100 text link impressions for each referral member you refer and you earn a percentage of credits from your referrals. Also, you earn 20% commissions on upgrades and 10% for any credits sold to your first level referrals!

Bald Eagle (Upgraded Members) receive 20 credits, 150 banner impressions and 150 text link impressions for each referral member they refer and earn a percentage of credits from their referrals. They also earn 30% on upgrades and 15% for any credits sold to their first level referals!

Soaring Eagle (Upgraded Members) receive 30 credits, 200 banner impressions and 200 text link impressions for each referral member they refer and earn a percentage of credits from their referrals. They also earn 40% on upgrades and 20% for any credits sold to their first level referals! - Swoop Down and Seize Your Success!

Antonia Stuart-James is a surfing member of Soaring4Traffic.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

The 15 Days of Summer Giveaway

I have some big news for you today. Robert Puddy and Soren Jordansen just launched the mother of all giveaways; The 15 Days of Summer Giveaway.

Click here for The 15 Days of Summer Giveaway

They called in some favours from 15 of their internet marketing friends (and twisted some arms). The result is 15 absolutely superb gifts for FREE download right now without paying a single penny.

And this is not like all the other giveaway sites out there. These gifts had to pass
rigorous quality tests - there is no fluff and no filling and certainly no rehashed stuff that you have seen on hundreds of other sites.

So what's the catch?

There is no catch, except that this giveaway ends on August 15th - Not a day more. After that you can only access these products and services by paying top dollar for them as usual.

That is why I had to blog this info to you today. Don't waste any time, secure your free membership today so you can download all the goodies before the giveaway is over.

Click here for The 15 Days of Summer Giveaway

Antonia Stuart-James

P.S. Remember... you need to act fast. Once this giveaway is gone, it will be gone forever and will not come back. Secure your spot today!

Click here for The 15 Days of Summer Giveaway

Antonia Stuart-James is a member of Plug-In Profit Site.