Success University is the web's leading online resource for top level training in all aspects of life and business. See and hear the top leaders in the fields of Motivation, Leadership, Sales, Networking, Relationships, Real Estate, Finances and Communication such as Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Les Brown, Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy and many more.
Every month students can enrol in a choice of streamed audio and visual courses and access online whenever convenient.
For just $149.95 enrolment fee and a monthly fee of $49.95, students can listen and relisten to the courses, receive regular email training and the monthly Empowerment newsletter in the post with free gifts. This month Success University members received $127 worth of free gifts:
"Bill Bartmann's 9 Steps to achieve any goal" - DVD - $90 value
Filmed in Bills $2 million 12,000 sq.ft.home, he shares the secrets to help accomplish any goal. These 9 steps not only took Bill from poverty to billionaire, they have also produced million dollar results for many others. He has employed over 4,000 people and was the 25th wealthiest person in the US.
William E Bailey - "The Lost Tape of a Legend" - CD - $37 value
This legend in the field of personal development, personal growth and team building mentored and trained such greats in personal development and network marketing as Jim Rohn, Willie Larkin, Les Brown, Rudy Revak, Larry Thompson and many others.
In the 1960s Mr Bailey was the owner of one of the first network marketing companies that within 5 years was generating $64 million a month in sales. His powerful, uplifting and even shocking speech is a CD to listen to over and over.
Remember, the key to success is the power of applied knowledge.
The next mailing will include the following free gifts:
"Marketing Legend Ted Nicholas" - DVD - $179 value
"Invisible Profit System" by Chris Widener - CD - $16 value
Join today on a 14 days free trial
The one-year program arrives by email and this year's teacher is Jim Rohn. Jim is the personal development "guru" the likes of Tony Robbins, Harvey Mackay and Les Brown turn to... and have been learning from for decades!
His comprehensive success plan covers personal development, creating money, speed reading, increasing your memory, leadership, health, and much more. You also receive "Twelve Pillars of Success", 52 weekly email trainings, a 500+ page downloadable workbook, 12 monthly conference calls (including Zig Ziglar, Loral Langemeier, Jim Rohn and so on) and a ton more. You really do not want to miss out on this!
The Jim Rohn Success Plan has a retail value of $1,101.00.
In addition, students receive $848 value of downloadable bonus courses.
Success University Business Opportunity
Obviously such a phenomenal offering generates an incredible international business opportunity. Within seconds of enrolling, students receive their own personalized recruiting website. Business training shows how to advertise the site to thousands or even millions of people around the world including the little known secrets that the biggest marketers on the Internet use to drive MASSIVE amounts of traffic to their websites. The automated Success University website enrolls students for you, tracks the orders and then shows those students how to build their business. You earn ongoing monthly residual income from your entire student organization no matter how large this customer base grows. This means that simply by following the Success University system... it is very likely you will become financially set for life... in a relatively short period of time (maybe in just 2 years)... and then never have to work another day again!
As a final offer, students also receive $350 in free Internet advertising from pay-per-click search engines.
You can join Success University at with a special trial offer for 14 days.