Creating a professional web site specifically designed to sell will take a great deal of time and effort, as there is much more to take into consideration than just the design. You must look at a much broader picture and plan each step very carefully.
Every part of your web site must be strategically designed, from your overall design to your sales copy; each will play a very important role. Your visitor's first impression will almost instantly determine whether or not you're going to make a sale.
Your web site should be simple in design with the navigational links placed at the top, left or right side of the page. It should be designed in standard HTML with no Flash or fancy plug-ins and very few graphics. Unless your graphics specifically pertain to your product or enhance your site, you probably shouldn't include them. Your web site should load very quickly and each additional graphic will add additional load time. In addition, there should be no banners or outside links of any kind -- nothing that will distract your visitor's attention.
Search Engine Ranking
You must specifically design your web site to rank high in the Search Engines. This involves much more than just including META tags. Your design, text, title and image alt tags all play a very important role in determining how your web site will rank.
Title - Your "Title" should contain your most important keyword phrase that you think potential visitors will use when performing a search.
Description - Your description should contain your most important keyword phrase and describe your product in detail. You want your potential visitors to know exactly what you're offering. Your description should be less than 200 characters.
Keywords - Select the most appropriate keyword phrases that you feel your potential visitors will use when performing a search - the more targeted the better.
You can download a great little freeware program called, Good Keywords http://www.goodkeywords.com. This program will assist you in developing a list of targeted keywords for your web site. In addition, it also includes a site popularity tool that enables you to check your site's popularity.
Heading tags - Search Engines pay close attention to the text displayed within the "Heading" tags. Place your most important keyword phrase within a "Heading" tag.
Graphic Alt tags - Your graphics should relate to your web site and enhance your users' experience. In addition, your graphics should pertain to your most relevant keyword phrases. Place a readable sentence that explains what the image is and contains your keyword phrase within each of your graphic "Alt" tags. For example, if your web site focuses on dog grooming, your graphics should also pertain to dog grooming.
Text - All of your keywords and keyword phrases should appear throughout your text. If any of the keywords you placed within your META tags do not appear within your text, the Search Engines will ignore them. Your keyword phrases should appear at least three times within your text, but no more than seven.
Another consideration of great importance is the use of "Tables." If you'd like to set up your web site using tables, try to place your "Heading" text above your "Table" code. If this isn't possible, make sure you include your keyword phrases within your top left "Table cell" to assist you in ranking higher in the Search Engines.
One final note, always place your most important information above the fold of your web page. This is the top portion of your web page that is visible when your page is first loaded, without scrolling. This is the most important part of your entire page - use it wisely.
Your web site is your product's storefront and will play a very important roll in determining your success. Take your time and do your homework before you begin. You may be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Copyright © Shelley Lowery
About the Author:
Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, Web Design Mastery. http://ancora2004.wsnet2.hop.clickbank.net/ And, Ebook Starter - Give Your Ebooks the look and feel of a REAL book. http://www.ebookstarter.com Visit Web-Source.net to sign up for a complimentary subscription to eTips and receive a copy of the acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies." http://www.web-source.net

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