What is Co-Oplists?
As the name says it is a list building coop. You choose one of the many niches - I personally chose Health/Alternative Medicine - lock in your postion and get an instant list of 2400 prospects you can send your offers to. The cooperative part of it is that you share that list with a maximum of 10 other marketers. The cool thing is that aside from your position there is no investment or work required on your part. They host your list on a state of the art GetResponse autoresponder and they keep adding new prospects to it. All you have to do is send your offers to your new list.
These guys know what they are doing!
Robert is arguably one of the most successful list builders around, Pat Lovell is a SEO expert and Brian Kosobucki is a tech wiz. They are going to combine their talents to keep bringing new prospects into the system and they aren’t going to be skimpy with the paid advertising on your behalf. Your list at Co-OpLists is guaranteed to keep growing, letting you email more and more people in your niche, month after month.
Why this is better than List Bandit and other viral list builders.
Personally I think being a free member of List Bandit is not much use but Co-OpLists is a whole lot better. Think about it, if you are an upgraded member at some of these list builders or safelists you can mail thousands of people and often get some decent results. But no matter if your are upgraded or not you have to share these lists with thousands of other marketers and you can’t target a specific niche. On the other hand, with Co-OpLists you only share your list with a maximum of 10 other marketers and you can pick what niche you want to target. And the cost for a Co-OpLists position is in many cases lower than the monthly upgrade fee on a safelist. With many viral list builders you have to build a downline before you have anyone to mail whereas with Co-OpLists you are guaranteed 2400 prospects right off the bat and your list will continue to grow on autopilot.
Time for me to get on my soap box
You know at any given chance I will tell people to build a list, simply because that is the only proven way to internet marketing success. If you don’t have a list yet, Co-OpLists is probably the best and easiest way to get one. If you already have a list, I think Co-OpLists is an excellent hands-free way to broaden your reach and get more people on to your main mailing list… That is really the key as I see it, I recommend that you use Co-OpLists to get people on your own list. Once they are there they are yours and you don’t have to share them with anyone, but you still use your Co-OpLists position for more umph. I’m really excited about this because I know it will be a very powerful addition to my list building arsenal.
I almost forgot the extra goodies
Co-OpLists is going to use some top-notch reports written by their expert ghostwriters to get people into the system and onto your list. But as a Co-OpLists member you get full PLR to one of these reports. You can rebrand it, sell it, give it away and use it to build other lists in your online arsenal.
It’s time for you to grab your list!
That pretty much sums it up and I hope you can see that highly recommend Co-OpLists. I’m very excited about it and I already see it as my best business investment this year and to be honest a real no-brainer. This is the fast, hands-free short cut to the profitable list you deserve. Grab yours today! But don’t wait too long, because there are only a few spots available.
Robert Puddy, Pat Lovell and Brian "Koz" Kosobucki have designed Co-OpLists to build our lists.