Manual traffic exchange StartXchange started in 2001 and now have 30,022 Members. Members can upload their photo to appear on promotional banners and on the surfbar so others can see who is online at any time.
Join StartXchange today
- Free / $6 / $14.95 Month (Free / Gold / Platinum)
- 3:1 / 2:1 / 1:1 Surf Ratios
- 10 Second Surfbar Timer
- 5% / 10% / 20% Referral Earnings
- 7:10 / 8:10 / 9:10 Banner Exchange
- Up to 25% Surfing Bonus
Complete A Word
The word StartXchange appears on the surfbar as you surf. When it’s completed you can click on it and be entered into a daily drawing of credit prizes.
Contacting Other Members
Like a page being advertised? Aren’t so sure about it, have some questions? You can PM the person advertising a page by selecting the option in the dropdown menu while surfing. It’s a feature that can go un-noticed, but it’s very useful.
Free Traffic Exchange
Join StartXchange today
Antonia Stuart-James is a surfing member of StartXchange.