Monday, 3 December 2007

Debunking the Hype about Online Business

by Rosalind Gardner

I am asked one or more of the following questions about Internet marketing almost everyday:
"Isn't it TOO LATE to start an Internet Business?"
"Can ANYONE really start an Internet business?"
"C'mon, aren't all those earnings claims just hype and lies?"
Those are great questions and I'm so glad that you are asking them!

It proves that you're nobody's fool and won't fall for the bogus business opportunity crap that is so widely sold by people who have never made a dime online.

So, let's look at the answers, one by one.

"Isn't it TOO LATE to start an Internet Business?"
According to Internet World Stats, the number of Internet users in March 2007 was 1,114,274,426.

The image below shows the breakdown of Internet Users by World Region.

Again, according to Internet World Stats, current users represent only 16.9 percent of the total population. Furthermore, Internet usage grew by 208.7% from 2006 to 2007.

Here's an example of a specific market trend. According to Lee Vann, founder of San Diego–based Hispanic marketing company Captura Group, one of the fastest growing markets online is the Hispanic group. Mr. Vann reported that there are 16.5 million Hispanics online, or about 55 percent of the Hispanic adult population. He also noted that "the Hispanic market was growing at an annual rate of 12 percent, or 1.8 million Hispanic users who have come online between January 2006 and January 2007," he said.

Growth, growth and still more growth!

Do you see the potential? More Internet Users = Traffic to YOUR Site = Customers = SALES

Do your homework. Research the markets in which you are most interested, watch those trends and seize the opportunity!

In other words, NO, it's NOT too late to start an Internet business!

In the next article we'll look at the answer to the question, "Can ANYONE start a successful Internet business?"

To get started on your own Affiliate marketing success story, get Rosalind Gardner's ebook, "The Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made 436,797 Last Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online".