So, if this sounds like an area of income in which you would like your piece of the pie, you do not want to waste time, joining the wrong programs, listening to people who are just lining their pockets, reading out-dated ebooks etc. You could join a course and there are plenty of people who will sell you a training course for hundreds if not thousands of $$$.

I suggest you learn from someone who really knows what she is talking about and can prove her affiliate income. That someone is Rosalind Gardner who excels as an affiliate marketer. She says,
"Since I quit my day job as an air traffic controller in 2000, I've earned 100% of my income online. In 2002, I earned a whopping $436,797 US in affiliate commissions (then worth $657,801 CDN). Now, in 2007 I earn much more than that as an affiliate!"
To help others make serious money in Affiliate Marketing, she offers her Super Affiliate Handbook. Here are just some of the contents:
* 233 information-packed pages of practical tips and real-life examples of WORKING affiliate sites (Note: After reading the Super Affiliate Handbook, the Affiliate Manager at decided to recommend the Handbook to her other affiliates.)
* "How To" strategies to save you money, time, and effort while building your affiliate marketing business.
* An easy-to-understand 5-step overview of the business-building process.
* Discover the top 25 mistakes that 'normal' affiliates make and how to AVOID them.
* How to create a web site that keeps visitors coming back for more.
*29 ways to market your affiliate sites online and off.
The list goes on. You will learn about Keywords and Niche products Marketing, blogs, Contextual advertising and way more.
To make sure that the information is always up to date, anyone buying the book becomes a member and receives updates.
You won't believe the low price for all this incredible information.
Click here to read about the Super Affiliate Handbook then decide whether you want to invest in a fast start to your Affiliate Marketing or spend a couple of years following the wrong information, paying out more than you are earning. The choice is yours.