Wednesday, 19 November 2008

FREE PLR Articles In Your Inbox Daily

The quickest way to create your own product(s) for sale is to use PLR material. This includes pre-written articles and e-books which are ready to offer to others. Sometimes you even receive a sales letter if you want to sell them for profit.

So where do you find this PLR? Well, you can Google for it and find plenty of offers, most of which you will have to pay for.

How about receiving five PLR articles on a different subject, every day, for FREE?

Did I say FREE PLR? Yes, I did.

I have found a great source for FREE PLR

5 articles each day . . . That's 1,825 PLR articles each year. Completely Free. Click here for your 1,825 FREE PLR articles.

Here's a great idea for your FREE PLR - place the image below on your Thank You and Download pages as an Unadvertised Bonus. Doing this has proven to bring in great results.

All you need to do is place this image on your download pages, and link it to a special page that you will be given, and it will be seen by everyone who comes to that page - no additional work is needed once you put it up on that page.