I've made my life much more simple by downloading RoboForm. It is an unobtrusive helper on your toolbar which remembers all your passwords. Just tell it a password once and it will retrieve it for you in the future. How simple is that? It works on IE, Firefox and AOL/MSN. Also on Windows Mobile and Palm.
Not only does RoboForm remember passwords but it also fills in forms with one click.
RoboForm is recommended by PC Magazine, PC World, the New York Times among others.
In case you are wondering whether you can use the same RoboForm account on your PC as on your laptop or work PC, the answer is "YES" using RoboForm2Go on any USB key or U3 memory stick. I have some U3 sticks from Cruzer which have retractable USB ends so there is no lid to lose. Really handy and very cheap to buy.
You can download Roboform FREE today. Once you start using it, you'll never want to be without this great time-saver.

"Discipline weighs ounces. Regret weighs tons." - Jim Rohn