Thursday, 17 December 2009

How Do I Make Money Online Fast?

I bet you've asked yourself, "How do I make money fast?" Luckily for everyone who has ever had that question come to mind there is an answer! In fact, three answers because there are three ways within this program.

You have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pyjamas sipping coffee while working.

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Visit Earn Money From Your Computer for impartial advice and tips for making money online.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Choosing PLR Checklist: 12 Points You Must Look For

PLR (Public Limited Rights)material is a great way of sourcing articles without having to write them from scratch. Many are ready for immediate use whilst you might want to tweak or personalise others. You can often use PLR to compile a book thereby creating your own product very quickly at minimal cost. PLR is not just limited to articles.

But how do you know where to find PLR and which source is worthwhile? Here's a checklist:

1.Look for a PLR provider that offers many different types of content. If you are only getting articles, things may get boring fast. Look for blog-ready posts, graphics, eBooks, worksheets, and professionally designed PDFs.

2.Use PLR content written and designed by experts in their field. Make sure you’re getting content written by native English-speaking professionals so you can continue to be the authority in your niche.

3.Opt for regular content delivery so you can keep your site fresh. Search engines love frequently updated sites, so make sure you receive new content for your site regularly.

4.Get PLR content that can be changed and edited to meet your needs. Make sure you’re allowed to change the content to fit your needs. Some providers forbid you from using the content if you stop paying, so be careful. Never make assumptions and read the license agreement!

5.PLR content should be affordable without sacrificing quality. The most expensive content is not always the best. At the same time, you shouldn’t settle for low quality just because you’re a limited budget. There is such a thing as high quality, affordable PLR!

6.Choose PLR that has proven customer feedback. Look for verifiable testimonials with audio, photos, website links, or videos. You can’t fake these kinds of customer reviews.

7.Look for content that can be used and re-used in multiple ways. The more flexible and diverse the content, the better. The more you can repurpose the materials, the more you’ll earn from it both online and offline.

8.High-quality PLR content that’s full of valuable information, not fluff. Relevant content is more important that simply having words on the page. The content needs to be well-written, concise, and genuinely useful.

9.Ensure you have access to the tools, training, and resources you need to 
maximize the use of the materials. Lots of content is great, but having access to important plugins, tools, video training, and coaching, is just as important.

10.Get free samples before you buy. Get a taste for the PLR content before investing. The PLR provider should allow you to see real examples of what you get before you decide to buy it.

11.Consider how many people have access to the same content. If there is no cap to the number of people who have access to the content, then beware.

12.Look for a PLR provider who offers support. Getting support and guidance can make the difference in how profitable PLR content can be for you. Look for services that offer coaching calls, quick email replies, and a toll-free number to call for help.

I recommend for good quality PLR content. I have been using their Personal Development articles on my blog and in email ads to promote products and services and I am very happy with the quality and service.

Visit Earn Money From Your Computer and Affiliate Marketing Success Online

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Do Something Today To Earn Cash

Here's a challenge for you:

Today, stop procrastinating and start working on just ONE thing that will bring in the cash.

Maybe it means you'll whip together a quick product for sale...

... or maybe it means contacting your prospects or old clients and offering a "no-brainer" coaching deal...

... or maybe it means putting together a teleseminar for your prospects and pitching an irresistible offer.

Whatever it is, it's gotta bring in the cash and you've gotta get cracking TODAY.

Now get going...

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Using Articles To Gain TOP Search Engine Ranking

My Secret Formula For Using Articles To Gain TOP Search Engine Ranking
Copyright 2009 by Willie Crawford

I use articles, videos, podcasts and press releases extensively in my marketing. I use them to build my lists, gain search engine ranking, and drive traffic to targeted pages where that traffic often converts directly into sales.

I've been using article marketing VERY effectively since 1996 and find it an excellent method for generating long-term traffic.

My biggest secret is probably that I begin my article writing by doing keyword research. I doubt that most article marketers do this. I have a target product, niche or website, and I focus on what keywords would bring traffic to them. You can do the same. Here's how.

First of all you want to target the right keywords. It does no good to bring in traffic that is not buyers, so you want to ask what terms buyers are typing into the search engines. Make a list. The list should include "long tail" 3-5 word phrases.

Next use the Google's External Keyword Tool at:
to research your keywords.

Enter the keywords that you brainstormed into the form at the url above, one keyword phrase per line. The software will suggest other popular keywords and also show you search volume. It will show you not only how many times a given term is search on per month, but also how much competition you have for that term.

Download the results of that search as a spreadsheet in "csv for Excel" to analyze data easier. The link to do that is at the bottom of your search results page. This will let you sort the data based upon a number of criteria.

Outline a dozen articles based upon your keyword research. This can initially be just a rough outline containing a few main points. You will flesh it out later creating articles ranging from 500 - 1200 words.

Write the articles, one at a time, not stressing over them. Write a little, and then if your creativity is waning, take a break. I can often write 4-6 articles before needing a break.

Since the articles are all on a related topic, it's ok to repeat the same thoughts or concepts in multiple articles. Most of your readers won't read all of your articles and those who read the same thoughts in more than one article will
only have those concepts reinforced.

Use your target keywords in your titles. You know that these keywords are appropriate, and are being searched on, so put them in your titles, where they will attract the most attention.

Your title is the most important part of any article, because it's what entices your reader to stop and read the rest of the article. If it doesn't grab their attention, the rest of the article will never be seen.

Use target keywords in the body of your articles several times.

Use target keywords in anchor text of links when posting to your blogs, webpages, or article directories that allow using anchor text in articles. Not all directories allow this.

Submit to the top article directories using Easy Push Button Traffic. This will save you from having to manually visit each of the top article directories for each article. Instead,you upload the article to the Easy Push Button Traffic server,
and then select which directories you want to automatically submit to. This works beautifully for me.

Consider turning some of these articles into podcasts or videos. Also submit that re-purposed content, using Easy Push Button Traffic, to dozens of different video and podcast sharing sites.

Watch your target site or project quickly rise in rank in the search engines, and watch your sales take off.

After you've cranked out as much content as you can based upon a given set of keywords, go back to the Google External Keyword Tool and do it with another set of keywords.

This simply formula works like magic. Since most of your competitors write articles without ever considering keywords, you'll run circles around them. Use the simple formula that I just outlined above. There is absolutely no need to complicate
the keyword research. This simple, easy system works ;-)


Willie Crawford is a website traffic generation expert. He often distributes content (articles, videos, podcasts and press releases) to generate highly targeted website traffic. To do that efficiently he uses the automated
submission service at

Visit Earn Money From Your Computer and Affiliate Marketing Success Online

Friday, 4 December 2009

How Not to Use Twitter for Affiliate Marketing

Article by Nathan Hangen

I need to get something out of the way...I am a Twitter fanatic. In fact, it would come as no surprise to me if my wife was spending every minute she has in order to learn how to become a hacker so that she could take it down and have her husband back (I'm really not that bad, but you get the idea).

So considering that fact that I spend a lot of my time learning how to master the art of Twitter marketing and that I've even created my own Twitter products, what I am about to say might be a little too close to the bone - even for me.

However, the truth is the truth and we can't hide from it: 99% of the affiliate marketers on Twitter have zero idea how to market correctly.

Furthermore, many of those that don't get it are teaching new users how not to get it too, leading to a cycle of spam, crappy auto-DM's, and accounts that get suspended or marked as spam before they have even had a chance to flourish.

If you want to sell an affiliate product on Twitter, you cannot expect to be able to do it in 140 characters, and yet, that's what many marketers try to do. Their Twitter streams are filled with blatant sales pitches, so much so that you start to wonder if there is a real person behind the curtain.

Look, if I don't know who you are, I don't know where you are linking to, and I don't see anything but pitches in your Twitter stream, then I am not going to click through. If I do, if you get lucky, you will see me hit the back button before the page even finishes loading.

You cannot take over someone's DM's (Direct Messages) and have them send out spam on your behalf. Aside from the fact that it is extremely annoying, it takes advantage of people that don't know any better. You are actually hurting your customer in the process. Hit-and-run business tactics are shameful and will not help you in the long run.

Creating a product that only teaches people how to make money on Twitter by promoting your "make money on Twitter" product is, well, just sad. Sure, you might make a few bucks, but what does that get you? Again, it is this type of short term thinking that turns Twitter into a madhouse and creates an environment where marketers are no longer trusted. At that point, you've ruined it for all of us.

Perhaps the most blatant offender is the reply spammer, which is relatively new to the scene. These people reply to popular Twitter users with an affiliate link, and try to trick people into clicking. These reply spammers also try to trick the popular person's followers, because at first glance, it looks like the Tweet is coming from them. Considering most of these tweets look identical, I simply click the block button and move on. Get blocked often enough and you'll be suspended.

So Why Are They Doing It?

Most affiliate marketers on Twitter are doing this because they are too lazy to learn how to effectively sell affiliate products. You shouldn't try to sell someone in a PPC ad; you bring them to your sales page so that your sales letter can do the selling. It's the same with Twitter. To do this, though, you've got to be relevant, which means that not everything you say can be a sales pitch. When it is, though, it has to address the needs of your list. Sending out blanket replies just doesn't work.

Sadly, many people buy systems that tell them that these methods work. To make matters worse, many of them use viral friend adders that help them get recognition and more marketers promoting their products. Eventually, regardless of how faulty the system is, it spreads like wildfire. Everyone gets caught, no one wins.

They aren't interested in helping people. The last category is comprised of marketers that use the same tactics in other venues. They use software to generate new accounts by the dozens, so they don't care if they get suspended. They aren't interested in helping people - they simply want to make an easy buck.

So How Do You Sell on Twitter?
I've written about this extensively because it is a matter that I am extremely passionate about. I am tired of shady marketers ruining it for everyone and more importantly, I'm tired of seeing new people get taken advantage of.

So here's the truth:If you want to sell on Twitter, you have to build relationships and create targeted lists based on interests. Once you learn how to build these networks (which really is easy to do), you can link to relevant affiliate offers without having to worry about getting unfollowed or blocked. The key is to let the content, not a Tweet, do the selling. If everything you say on Twitter is a pitch of some sort, it won't work. However, if you learn to be relevant and helpful, your random pitch will not only be noticed, but will be appreciated.

People love to buy...we love to consume great content. However, we have to be warmed up before we do it. On social networks, it's the relationships that sell, not the message. It's really up to you, though. You can spam people and make a quick buck (maybe), or you can build credibility and build a successful business. In my opinion, taking the latter route is much more efficient.

Nathan Hangen writes about web entrepreneurship at

Visit Earn Money From Your Computer and Affiliate Marketing Success Online for your FREE Affiliate marketing guide.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

You Are Never Too Old For Online Marketing

This world is full of excuses, especially in the online marketing world. I've heard so many silly excuses about why people can't become successful online, that I could write a novel. In fact, just yesterday I had an older woman tell me she couldn't succeed online because she was "too old".

No matter what had caused this woman to draw her conclusions, I can tell you that there is in fact no age limit for Internet marketers. Why would there be? All that is required to be successful online is to acquire the proper knowledge and mix it with some hard work. Yet, I must admit this isn't the first email I have received on this very subject. Emails about age being a roadblock to success are all too common in my inbox.

This is an overwhelming amount of proof that age can't prevent you from becoming successful. This isn't a guess, but a fact. I know of a 12 year old kid who created a 6 figure online business, in only 3 short years. On the other side of the coin, there is a 67 year old who created the most popular and profitable dating site online. I also just met two teenagers who created one of the busiest social sites on the Web almost three years ago. Believe it or not, they will just be starting college this Fall.

These successful marketers could of easily used their age as a ready-made excuse for failure. They could have quit or worse, never even tried at all. Instead, they didn't let their age become a roadblock to their dreams.

When you hear that voice inside your head telling you that you are just too old to start marketing online, remember that it is just fear talking. It is likely that it is fear causing you to use your age as an easy out. Others have overcome those feelings and you have the power to do the same.

I recommend you Download this hypnosis MP3 to overcome your fear of success

Now if a friend or loved one tells you that "someone your age" shouldn't try online marketing, be sure to ask them why. I guarantee his or her reasons will ring hollow, because almost anyone can do this business. Your age, sex, and the color of your skin will not determine how successful you are. You will. Period.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and get started today!


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List extensive information on building a successful small business or home business online by internet marketers

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What Are The Differences Between Facebook And Twitter?

If you have an internet business, than it is important that you know the difference between Facebook and Twitter. You definitely want to use both of these social marketing sites to get traffic to your business.

Knowing the difference between these two sites will show you how you can use both of them to benefit your internet business. Let's start with Twitter and this site's differences first.


This social media site uses a platform with a simplistic approach, which is taking over the internet. This social marketing site is a microblogging platform, which allows individuals and businesses to easily share information, comments, resources, thoughts, marketing ideas, and many other things.

You can share anything you want to with this site with your direct followers, but also with the entire community. Each time you post a tweet, it is only one or two lines that are made available to do this. This makes it easy to send information quickly and makes it easy to read.

With this social marketing site you can send as many tweets as you want to in one day. The more tweets you make, the more followers you have. Plus, the more success you will have using it for your internet business.

When using this site you want to take time to build your followers so you have like minded individuals following you. This will give you a targeted audience to market your business or products to. The platform is very simple and easy for anyone to use online, including beginners.

Follow Antonia Harrison on Twitter


When you start using Facebook, you will want to complete your profile, just like you do on Twitter. The more complete it is the better for your business. When using this site, you will have friends that you add to your list and they can add you to their friends list. The more friends you follow the better.

This site's platform is also easy to use and very simple to read and understand. With this site you can make posts about what is happening in your business, new products coming out and many other things. It is also a good site to use for interacting with your customers.

Follow your customers so you can stay up to date on what they are doing or needing. This social media site is a bit more complex because it offers many features that are not found on the other sites. However, it is a great way to stay current and socialize with customers.

As you can see, Facebook and Twitter have a lot of differences, but they also have a lot in common. Now that you know what the differences are, you can easily see why it is a good idea to use both of these sites for your online business.


Keith Stauffer can show you how you can have the time and freedom to pursue your goals and dreams with online marketing. If you are searching for real information about creating wealth online then you absolutely must click here now.

This article was published on
Work On Internet : the small business and home business online resource center
List extensive information on building a successful small business or home business online by internet marketing.

Visit Earn Money From Your Computer and Affiliate Marketing Success Online