Thursday, 3 December 2009

You Are Never Too Old For Online Marketing

This world is full of excuses, especially in the online marketing world. I've heard so many silly excuses about why people can't become successful online, that I could write a novel. In fact, just yesterday I had an older woman tell me she couldn't succeed online because she was "too old".

No matter what had caused this woman to draw her conclusions, I can tell you that there is in fact no age limit for Internet marketers. Why would there be? All that is required to be successful online is to acquire the proper knowledge and mix it with some hard work. Yet, I must admit this isn't the first email I have received on this very subject. Emails about age being a roadblock to success are all too common in my inbox.

This is an overwhelming amount of proof that age can't prevent you from becoming successful. This isn't a guess, but a fact. I know of a 12 year old kid who created a 6 figure online business, in only 3 short years. On the other side of the coin, there is a 67 year old who created the most popular and profitable dating site online. I also just met two teenagers who created one of the busiest social sites on the Web almost three years ago. Believe it or not, they will just be starting college this Fall.

These successful marketers could of easily used their age as a ready-made excuse for failure. They could have quit or worse, never even tried at all. Instead, they didn't let their age become a roadblock to their dreams.

When you hear that voice inside your head telling you that you are just too old to start marketing online, remember that it is just fear talking. It is likely that it is fear causing you to use your age as an easy out. Others have overcome those feelings and you have the power to do the same.

I recommend you Download this hypnosis MP3 to overcome your fear of success

Now if a friend or loved one tells you that "someone your age" shouldn't try online marketing, be sure to ask them why. I guarantee his or her reasons will ring hollow, because almost anyone can do this business. Your age, sex, and the color of your skin will not determine how successful you are. You will. Period.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and get started today!


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