Blogs by Women is a website which lists - obviously - blogs written by women. There are currently 4,843 women who have listed their blogs in the following categories:
Arts & Entertainment (474)
Business (146)
Employment/Work (44)
Family & Parenting (524)
Feminists & Feminism (88)
Food & Drink (144)
Games (21)
Gender + GBLT (14)
Health/Fitness/Weight loss (206)
Home & Garden (171)
Internet & Computers (35)
Law & Legal (16)
Lesbian/Bisexual/Queer (149)
Military (7)
News & Media (80)
Personal (1524)
Pets (65)
Philosophy & Religion (129)
Politics (139)
Pop Culture (98)
Reference (35)
Science (17)
Sex & Sexuality (114)
Shopping (256)
Society & Culture (248)
Sports (20)
Technology (56)
So, if you are a woman who wants to list her blog(s) or want to read blogs by other women,go to Blogs by Women.