Sunday, 16 September 2007

BlogSoldiers - Manual Traffic Exchange purely for Blogs

In celebration of having over 9000 blogs in the system, BlogSoldiers are offering enhanced surfing all this week until Sunday 23rd. That means for every blog you surf you get a visitor in return (as opposed to .7 credits). Upgraded members earn even greater benefits from surfing.

There is also a membership contest out to bring even more great content to the site. From now until Sunday 23rd, the top 3 people who bring in the most new members will get 1000 credits!

Now is a great time to be at Blogsoldiers. The summer is over, more people are surfing and blogging and with the political campaign heating up in the US, there will be even more attention paid to blogs!

* Free to join
* 50 free bonus credits for new members for signing up and surfing 50 blogs
* 50 referral credits for anyone who refers a new member
* Increased random surfing credits & new contests!
* Major discounts on purchases and new ways to purchase more traffic for your blog!!
* Exchange Rate - 2:1
* 20 seconds page timer

Join Blog Soldiers today