Whatever your reason for wanting to earn money from your computer, it must have something to do with why you want that money. Unless of course you are just a computer fundie who enjoys spending hours messing around with websites.
- Do you just want extra money?
- Do you want extra money for a specific purchase?
- Do you want to clear debts?
- Do you want to give up a full-time job?
- Do you want to be a stay-at-home parent?
- Do you want financial freedom to do what you want and go where you want?
- Do you want to pay for your children's university education?
- Do you want to buy your parents a new car or even a home?
- Does someone you love need money to pay medical costs?
- Do you want to give to charity, maybe even found a foundation?
Whatever your reasons, I suggest you spend some time writing them down to turn them to clear goals. Then type them on one sheet of paper, all written in the present tense.
You see, your subconscious mind is very powerful, far more powerful than your conscious mind. Napoleon Hill wrote,
"Whatever the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve."
Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a dream and reality. If you keep feeding your subconscious mind statements in the present tense about the lifestyle you wish to have,your subconscious will create that reality. If you find the WHY you MUST have something, your subconscious will work out the HOW.
If you need help with clarifying and sticking to your goals, click here for a hypnosis MP3 download to help you.
Antonia Stuart-James is an English Hypnotherapist in Belgium helping people to make positive change.