A. Webucation.
Peter Drucker (Forbes Magazine), one of the management gurus of our time, has this to say about webucation:
"The growth for education and training will be in continuing adult education. Online delivery is the trigger for this growth..."
The industry that markets books, courses and seminars on success and personal development is a 64 billion dollar per year industry!
Next, let's take a look at how large the Internet population is:
In 2003: 586 million worldwide individual surfers
In 2004: 942 million worldwide individual surfers
In 2005: 1.3 billion worldwide individual surfers
By June 2006: about two-thirds of households in North America used the Internet, the usage in Europe and Asia just 36% & 10% respectively. So, there is still a vast potential for growth in the years ahead...
"If you're not taking advantage of the growing Internet today, you're losing out!"
The product is about PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT - which many, many people around the world are willing to invest lots of money to grow. This means that there is a ready market of hungry buyers.
The product contents are online streaming videos and audios from more than 50 BIG NAMES like Jay Abraham, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Robert Allen, Dr. Denis Waitley on Personal Development, Leadership, Sales, Communication, Network Marketing, Internet Marketing, Motivation, Real Estate, Financial and Health. Some of these teachers charge $7,000 to $15,000 just to attend their seminar!
The business opportunity system was designed to market on the Internet built by TRUE Internet marketing gurus. It works. As a student member, you will have the right to LEARN AND EARN. Not only will you be able to improve all areas of your life, you will be given this web site which is proven to turn visitors like you into student members. You will begin to earn a stream of monthly, recurring income that will begin as a small stream, become exponential and turn into a river over time!
Most of the BIG NAME Internet marketing gurus also endorse this business...like Ewen Chia, Stephen Pierce, Mike Filsaime, Rich Jerk, Stone Evans, Ted Ciuba...because they truly know that this system works on the Internet and makes good money for them through leverage. Stone Evans is above me in Success University. Would you also like to be in their team? I should think so.
As students enrol via your link, you earn residual income. This is the type of income you make without exchanging your time from money, easily done from home with
Success University.
Success University is the fastest growing global work at home program. Thousands of people from 175 countries are already earning excellent incomes from Success University each and every month! Join Success University here with a 14 days trial for just $2.
I want to leave you with this quote from the author of the best seller, Rich Dad, Poor Dad -- "If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance." -Robert Kiyosaki-

Antonia Stuart-James is a member of Success University.