There are so many people who want to succeed in their lives, in their business and in general, but who want to play with their goals instead on work with them. If you treat your business like a hobby, it will pay you like one. If you treat it like a high paying business, it will pay you like one. How was that for a surprise?
Your ability or disability to believe that, determines your success or failure in your business, relationship or whatever area you want to be successful in. It sounds a little harsh, but it is not. The reason why it is not is because of the supportive factors that leads to this kind of behavior.
What did it take to get you into the business that you are currently in? How much have you invested in it? Much time and effort, I am sure. What about knowledge? Not only knowledge about technical stuff about which buttons to push in order to market your business, but knowledge about yourself. What does it take to make you work? You are your most important asset, you know. Take Success University, a business I am part of. Success University enrolls those who choose to transform themselves from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Those who only choose to use SU as a tool to build a business, can certainly do that. You can try Success University in 14 days for only $2. But I want to be frank with you. That is not a strong commitment. Those who have paid $100,000 for a franchise have really committed themselves to their business and have the greatest of interest to succeed in it. It is not easy to look at any small amount of money your business require of you to invest and imagine that can be transformed into a million dollar business. Why have I chosen that number? Because it is a great number, and represents high aspirations. Very few people are able to take that transition in their minds. And here you have your cue: In your mind.

Your mind
If you are a networker, there are people in your line of business who are earning hundreds of thousand per month, there are those who earn tens of thousands per month and there are those who only earn a couple of hundreds. What separates those individuals are their fundamental understanding and mentality on what they have in their hands. You can look at the same thing that others look at but different people will see different things. Some people will see it like something they can do on the side, something they can have like a hobby, trying to convince their friends and neighbours how wonderful it is, this new hobby of theirs. Then there are those who look at it like a million dollar business where values are created with a team effort and great leadership. It is not likely that you can make a million dollars on your own. Your time is not worh that much. But all the working hours of your team can be.
Team work
The first thing we need to establish is that it takes teamwork to make the dreamwork. You came into your business for yourself, but hopefully not by yourself. No one should have to be alone, but alas, that is exactly what many networkers experience. If you are not a part of a great team, where your teamleader should have been there for you and mentoring you, you have to be the leader for your team. This is a team of individuals, but they work together in one accord. You should not need to be a musician to be able to understand this.
It is all about leadership. The best thing a teamleader can do for his team is to teach everybody the same language. We must speak the same language, we must have the same vision. We can achieve that by mentoring each other on conference calls and constantly dripping out emails with great lessons in it. We must accomplish a unity where we can speak out massive momentum. This is where we all should be going. Everyone must plug into the same system and everyone must use it to gain that massive momentum. If half your team is attending conference calls, and the other half not, guess what? You will not achieve massive momentum. That is why it is so important that when people join you, they know that you run a real business with real businessmen and women in it.
The mission
An email should have a mission enclosed in it. I will give you a mission now. This is, if you choose to accept it: Write down your goals. What do you want to achieve? You should be able to write down approximately 20 of them. Attach a deadline to each one of them. Without deadlines they are not visions, but only vague dreams. This note with your goals, you should keep in front of you. Place it somewhere you pass many times a day. This will remind you of where you are heading and keep you focused. Why am I telling you this? Let's look a study conducted with the Yale Graduating Class of 1953. They surveyed all students asking them if they had written goals for their life: 3% had put their goals in writing, 97% had not written them down or had none at all! Twenty years later, there same people were re-interviewed. The 3% who had written goals had 10 times the incomes than the other 97% combined!
If you accept this mission and do it, it is proper to give you a serious gratulation. You can even proudly give yourself one. You have then positioned yourself in front of 97% of those who have not.
This is why I love Success University. Success University is meeting a great need in the Networking Industry, and is teaching networkers to build their business by belief, belief in themselves, in their products, and in their colleagues. And by this belief, they share the knowledge with their fellow networkers. It is a product that can be consumed by the networker, and the result is knowledge, attitude and success both financially and personally.
Author: Rune Simonsen
Antonia Stuart-James is a member of Success University, the greatest on-line training for a successful life.