MagnifyTraffic is a manual traffic exchange with fast 10 seconds timer which just hit a very exciting milestone: since launch in January 2007, more than 7000 people have signed up for the MagnifyTraffic service! During their second Five Second Frenzy last week, they delivered over 300,000 pages across the four days of the event!
I just logged in to find the following stats:
Members: 7055
Online Now: 38
Hits Delivered Today: 25549 - Projected Total Today: 50329
Click here to join Magnify Traffic for FREE.
How can I earn bonuses?
Bonuses can be earned in many ways. For one thing, 5% bonuses can be found randomly while surfing. Secondly, if you
surfed 20 sites yesterday = a 20% bonus today
surfed 100 sites yesterday = a 30% bonus today
surfed 250 sites yesterday = a 40% bonus today
surfed 500 sites yesterday = a 50% bonus today. New days begin at midnight, US Eastern Time. Also, for each referral that surfs 10 sites, you will receive a 4% permanent bonus (MAX: 100%). Furthermore, large, month long bonuses can be earned by being in the top ten in the referral contest.
Antonia Stuart-James is a surfing member of Magnify Traffic.