Having very young children and a demanding career is often very difficult to manage. More often than not, one has to choose between going to the office and staying with the kids. For most people, working to earn a living is unavoidable since they also need money to pay the bills and buy necessities. However, when it comes to earning a living, one does not really have to leave the home and go to the office from 9 to 5. A network marketing home business can help people earn enough money to sustain a comfortable lifestyle.
Network marketing home business was first introduced in the Philippines in 1940. Way back then, manufacturers would approach independent distributors to sell their products through direct sales. The idea was to promote the products of the company to the end consumer.
How does one earn money from a network marketing home business? There are two ways uin which a person can earn money from a network marketing home business. First, you can earn direct commissions and discounts from all the items or products that you sell or consume. Note that in network marketing, the merchant will ask you to sell its products services and in some cases, you will earn as high as 50% commission based on the total amount of products that you have sold. The more products and services that you sell, the more money you will earn.
The second way for you to earn money through a network marketing home business is to recruit other members and build a team. The nature of network marketing so provide that if you is able to recruit other members, you will earn commissions on all the sales generated by those new members that you have recruited. You can earn as high as 25% commission on the total amount of sales generated by the people you have recruited. What is more interesting about network marketing is that you can also earn commissions on the sales generated by the people recruited by your recruits. For instance, if you recruit John who recruits Julie, you will still earn commissions on sales generated by Julie. On the other hand, John will also earn commissions on the sales generated by Julie.
In most cases, you can earn commissions up to the 8th generation of recruits. However, the amount of commissions may vary from level to level. The percentage may be higher on the first level growing smaller or the other way round. Most companies that offer Network marketing home business opportunities also offer some bonuses to those distributors that are selling a good number of products. For people who want to stay home with their kids, the network marketing home business is indeed a very good opportunity to earn good income while staying at home.
See other posts on network marketing or MLM/Multi-Level Marketing.
Recommended network marketing opportunities: SFI, GDI, Success University, Plug-in Profit Site, Leisure Audio Books.