1. Don't load your web site with a lot of high tech clutter. Your visitors may miss your whole sales message.
2. Don't use unnecessary words or phrases on your site. You only have so much time to get your visitor's attention and interest; make every word count.
3. Don't make the mistake that everyone will totally understand your web site message. Use descriptive words and examples to get your point across.
4. Don't write your strongest point or benefit only once. You should repeat it at least 3 times because some people may miss it.
5. Don't push all your words together on your web site. People like to skim; use plenty of headings and sub headings.
6. Don't use site content your target audience is not interested in. If people are coming to your site to find info about fishing, do not include soccer content.
7. Don't use 50 different content formats all over your web site. Use the same fonts, text sizes, text colors, etc.
8. Don't use words your web site visitors might not understand. People are not going to stop and look in a dictionary, they will just go to another site.
9. Don't let selling words and phrases go unnoticed. Highlight important words and phrases with colour, bolding, italics, underlining, etc.
10. Don't forget to use words that create emotion. All people have emotions, people will have more interest when they are emotionally attached.
Cody Moya writes about Business and Marketing in his Free Internet Marketing Courses. You can sign up for his Free Internet Marketing Courses and get additional
information at his website: http://FreeInternetMarketingCourses.com
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