Traffic Splash is a manual traffic exchange but with a difference. Only fast-loading splash pages are allowed which means the surf timer is a low 6 seconds, so building your credits for advertising your own sites.
Every 15 sites you have a chance to play for free credits.
Traffic Splash includes a Downline Builder in 10 programs: FastEasy Traffic, Free Traffic Bar, TE Toolbox, Affiliate Funnel, Home Income Team, Traffic Hoopla, Hit Gusher, Hit2Hit, Traffic Bunnies and Dragon Surf.
Traffic-Splash is already top ranked by Traffic Hoopla and Hit Exchange News and is growing fast with 6,000 members already.
Today there are 200 extra bonus pages hidden in rotation and each page wins you a mystery prize worth at least $5.
Antonia Stuart-James is a surfing member of manual traffic exchange Traffic Splash.