A traffic exchange is a site where you view other people's sites to earn you credits with which you can place your own sites for others to view. They can be manual or autosurf. Many have a theme to distinguish them from other sites. They offer the option to show websites, banners and textlinks which click through to URL pages. Some also have members' forums and training.
Widely used to promote internet marketing or home-based online businesses, any type of business can use traffic engines for free advertising providing their product or service has a wide enough appeal. I have seen sites selling wedding favours, computer software, cowboy memorabilia, religious sites, blogs on every subject possible - you name it.
The timer until the next ad appears can be anything from 6 seconds to 60 seconds, depending on whether you are a free member or an upgraded paid member. Surf ratio can be 3:1 (view 3 sites to earn 1 credit) or better. Credits can also be bought. Almost all traffic exchange programs encourage users to build their own referral networks, which in turn increases the referrer's amount of credits. All sites pay commission on referred members who upgrade and most give referral credits on free members and some give credits every time those referred members surf. Sites set up referral contests to offer cash, upgraded status or free credits to the highest referrers. Some also award free lottery tickets or offer games to play.
Progressive Surf
I like Cave Surf because it offers progressive surf, ie the more sites surfed, the better the surf ratio and number of free credits earned. Also, they offer free banner and textlink impressions as long as you are active and have websites in rotation.
Cave Surf
If you join other programs on their home page, you will be upgraded to Gold or Platinum which means faster surfing and free credits. I am a Platinum member and consistently earn free credits through being one of the highest surfers.
This free service compiles top lists of traffic engines and safelists based on certain criteria over six weeks periods. You can join Traffic Hoopla and use their splash pages to promote membership in all the programs you join. Today they report these as the best TEs:
Hit Safari
EasyHits4U (50 credits after surfing first 5 sites)
WebBizInsider (also option of mailing to downline members using credits and click on other people's emails to earn credits)
Traffic G (100 credits when you start, 50 credits per referral)
Cash Clicking
Click Ranch
Click Thru
Clickin Fingers
Deep Sea Hits
Dragon Surf
Eternal Hits
Funny Farm Traffic
Hit Pirate
I Love Hits
Link Crews
Lots More Hits
Magnify Traffic
Max Traffic Pro (includes downline builder for 10 Traffic Exchanges)
Mystical Maze
Pro Hits Plus
Royal Surf
Savvy Clicks
StartXchange (personalise banners with your photo)
Swat Traffic
Traffic Splash
Traffic At the Races (a horse race every few sites determines how many credits you receive)
Traffic Bunnies
Traffic Planets
Traffic Pods
Traffic Punk (personalise splash page with photo)
Traffic RoundUp (personalise splash page with photo)
Traffic Soldiers
True View Traffic
Web Centre Surf
WebMaster Quest
Whirlwind Traffic
Reasons you should join TrafficHoopla:
- Get a FREE web site with your referrals IDs inserted.
- Referral growth for potentially unlimited number of tiers.
- Free flow-through of your referral IDs.
- Real-time statistics of hits to your referral IDs.
- Only current top ranked resources included.
- No web programming nor marketing experience necessary.
- Prompt, attentive and appreciative client support.
People leave them running in the background earning credits rather than looking at other people's ads so they are probably not so useful but here are some programs:
2005 Auto Hits
Click Evolution
Antonia Stuart-James is a member of Traffic Hoopla and various traffic exchanges.