Attracting traffic to your site is the way to earn money in internet marketing. You can pay for traffic in many ways but I would rather generate free traffic, wouldn't you?
I came across this report , decided it was worth an investment of $7 and am I pleased I did. The 7 strategies
1. Free Search Engine Traffic
2. Squidoo
3. Article marketing
4. Viral videos
5. Free classified ads
6. Blogging
7. Free web directories
So 7 traffic generation strategies for $1 each.
Even if you think you know everything about all of these categories, I bet you will learn at least one tip worth more than $7!
Although such a low price, it is an up-to-date book written in April 2007 with 70+ pages. This book is a simple step-by-step proven formula on how you too can be a Free Traffic Tycoon!
Antonia Stuart-James recommends the Free Traffic Tycoon report
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
How to Attract Free Traffic to Your Site
article marketing,
attract traffic,
free classifeds,